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Hi Friends!
It has been wonderful seeing all your smiling faces back at Legacy Peak.  
I want to send you a few resources you can use so you can continue your signing if you find yourself at home for a little while.  The object is not to finish everything in one day. Give yourself a chance to learn it, practice it, and then master it. I I always love seeing videos of you signing so please feel free to send them to me. Also, if you happen to learn something extra you can ALWAYS send that to me too. I love  ASL so be creative, create something awesome, and then send it me so I can see all your awesomeness!
I am missing you while you are gone and I can't wait until you are back in class with us!
Family Signs
We are Family Song
Moana- How Far I'll Go
Baby Shark Video
Moana - You're Welcome
No Voice

Small Title

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