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Warm Weather Engineering Challenge!

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Spring is here! Let's take the classroom outside, and create a mini water slide!


CHALLENGE: Create a water slide for a Lego character or small action figure



1. A small action figure (Lego sized might work best.)

2. A plastic container to pour water down your slide

3. Stuff to make a slide! This part is up to you but you need to accomplish these tasks:

a. a WATERPROOF slide that can stand on its own (that's right, it has to be made from

something waterproof or covered in something waterproof like foil or plastic)

b. a ladder that your character can "climb" to go down the slide

You can use any supplies you can find around the house - as long as you have parent permission. Here are some suggestions: straws, rubber bands, tape, Legos, construction sets, paper towel cardboard tubes, chopsticks, popsicle sticks, plastic cups, etc.


HOW TO SHOW SUCCESS: Can you set your character at the top of your slide, and then slowly pour the water down the slide from the top, and your character slides down to the bottom without flipping over or suffering any life threatening acrobatics!

BONUS POINTS*: create a curve in your slide

*remember that points don't matter... it's just for fun!


Good luck and don't forget to send me photos! I'll try to post some online!

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